
New Year’s resolutions are so easy to make, but even easier to break! The feeling of failure will often cause us to become frustrated and veer more off course than where we began. Still, making a goal is an important part of becoming and staying well. 

Health is not always in our control. For this reason, it is important to try and control some of the things that make a difference to our bodies. January is a popular time to think about goals, but we can develop plans any time of year! Some common goals include “losing weight” or “exercising more” but what does that actually mean? 

Making reasonable, flexible, realistic goals is one key to success. Make sure your goals are as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying “I plan to exercise more,” try making an action plan that includes how many minutes you’ll exercise per day or per week. What type of exercise do you plan to do? Do you have the proper equipment for this exercise? The same can be said for making a nutrition goal. Instead of trying to “eat more vegetables,” try and set a goal that quantifies the servings of vegetables that you’ll try and eat each day.  

Be careful to avoid the trap of giving up completely if you fail. One failure does not have to derail your entire plan. Forgive yourself and move forward! 

At NP Women’s Health we can assist with nutrition counseling, as well as medical weight loss strategies. Some women struggle with weight loss and can be more successful with regular check-ups to monitor weight and help make goals. Medicines are extremely helpful for many women, and we are happy to help you find the right fit. Seeing our patients succeed is an amazing experience! 


March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


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